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Weapon Inventor

Source Guns & Gears pg. 30 2.0
You've created an experimental weapon, in this case a bow, to wreak havoc on your foes from afar.

Ability Scores

Prioritize Intelligence for your inventor abilities and Dexterity to hit with your bow innovation.


Acrobatics, Arcana, Crafting, Occultism, Society, Stealth, Thievery



Starting Feat

Explosive Leap

Higher-Level Feats

Searing Restoration (2nd), Dual-Form Weapon (4th), Megavolt (6th), Manifold Modifications (8th), Helpful Tinkering (10th), Gigavolt (12th), Unstable Redundancies (14th), Persistent Boost (16th), Devastating Weaponry (18th)