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PFS StandardDream Guise [one-action] Feat 10

Legacy Content

Illusion Occult Psyche Psychic 
Source Dark Archive pg. 27
Prerequisites wandering reverie subconscious mind

You Stride into a willing ally's space, at which point both of your appearances shift into a shared third appearance, usually one that looks like a mix of the two of you. Then, either you or your ally Steps. You each maintain the merged appearance. Creatures who are observing this know what happened, but still must Seek or otherwise engage with the illusion to attempt to disbelieve it and determine which of you is which. Otherwise, they can't tell the difference and have an equal chance to target each of you (DC 11 flat check). This illusion ends as soon as either you or the ally you're merged with acts.



Effects and magic items with this trait involve false sensory stimuli.


This magic comes from the occult tradition, calling upon bizarre and ephemeral mysteries. Anything with this trait is magical.

A creature with this trait is primarily constituted of or has a strong connection to occult magic.


Your psyche must be unleashed to use abilities that have the psyche trait, and they end automatically when your unleashed psyche subsides.