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Appendix 2: Kingdoms / Gaining Kingdom Experience

Milestone XP Awards

Source Kingmaker Adventure Path pg. 540
As the kingdom grows, the kingdom gains XP the first time it reaches a milestone. These XP awards are given only once, the first time each milestone is attained.

Kingdom Milestone XP Awards

XP AwardMilestone
40Claim your first Landmark
40Claim your first Refuge
40Establish your first village
40Reach kingdom Size 10
60Establish diplomatic relations for the first time
60Expand a village into your first town
60All eight leadership roles are assigned
60Reach kingdom Size 25
80Establish your first trade agreement
80Expand a town into your first city
80Reach kingdom Size 50
80Spend 100 RP during a Kingdom turn
120Expand a city into your first metropolis
120Reach kingdom Size 100