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There is a Remastered version here.

Horseshoes of SpeedItem 7+

Legacy Content

Companion Invested Primal Transmutation 
Source Core Rulebook pg. 604 4.0
Usage worn horseshoes; Bulk 1
When you affix these simple iron horseshoes to the hooves of an ordinary horse or a quadrupedal animal companion and the animal companion invests them, that creature gains a +5-foot item bonus to its land Speed and a +2 item bonus to Athletics checks to High Jump and Long Jump. In addition, when it Leaps, it can move 5 feet farther if jumping horizontally or 3 feet higher if jumping vertically.

PFS StandardHorseshoes of SpeedItem 7

Source Core Rulebook pg. 604 4.0
Price 340 gp
Bulk 1

PFS StandardHorseshoes of Speed (Greater)Item 14

Source Core Rulebook pg. 604 4.0
Price 4,250 gp
Bulk 1
The bonus to Speed is +10 feet, and the bonus to Athletics checks is +3.