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PFS StandardSeneschal Spell [one-action] Feat 4

Archetype Spellshape 
Source War of Immortals pg. 62
Archetype Seneschal
Frequency once per hour
Prerequisites Seneschal Witch Dedication

You can channel even complex spells through your connection to your charge. If your next action is to Cast a Spell and your charge is within 30 feet, you can have the spell originate from your charge instead. That creature can use their reaction to roughly complete the spell’s incantation, which gives the spell the subtle trait for you (but not for them) as the manifestation appears solely around your charge.



This feat belongs to an archetype.


Actions with the spellshape trait tweak the properties of your spells. You must use a spellshape action directly before casting the spell you want to alter. If you use any action (including free actions and reactions) other than casting a spell directly after, you waste the benefits of the spellshape action. The benefit is also lost if your turn ends before you cast the spell. Any additional effects added by a spellshape action are part of the spell's effect, not of the spellshape action itself.