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PFS Standard Mirrored Aegis Worn Ikon

This shield is polished so brightly it can reflect even spiritual and ethereal attacks.


The mirrored aegis emits an aura in a 15-foot emanation that protects you and all allies in the aura from harm, granting a +1 status bonus to AC. If the mirrored aegis houses your divine spark for 10 uninterrupted minutes, it is restored to full Hit Points.

Transcendence — Raise the Walls [one-action]

Force Transcendence 
You Raise the mirrored aegis, which summons ethereal shields that surround you and one ally of your choice within 15 feet in a tortoise shield formation. You and the ally gain a +1 status bonus to AC, Reflex saves, and any save against a force, spirit, vitality, or void effect for 1 minute.