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Hot Air BalloonVehicle 2

Source GM Core pg. 214 2.0
Price 100 gp
Space 15 long, 15 feet wide, 50 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 5
Piloting Check Piloting Lore (DC 16) or Nature (DC 18)
AC 13; Fort +8
Hardness 0, HP 40 (BT 20); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage; Weaknesses fire 10
Speed fly 20 feet (wind)
Collision 2d8 (DC 16)
Drifter The hot air balloon lacks steering and relies on favorable wind currents to carry it in the right direction. If the pilot fails to maintain control of the hot air balloon, the balloon drifts whichever way the wind carries it, moving up to four times its Speed each round as determined by the GM.