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PFS StandardKraken BottleItem 18

Legacy Content

Uncommon Alchemical Consumable Expandable 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 56 1.1
Price 5,000 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [two-actions] Interact
Coiled tentacles make it all but impossible to see anything else inside this ampoule. When opened, a Gargantuan kraken bursts forth, which can appear in water instead of on the ground. Its arms attempt to grasp up to four creatures with a reach of 60 feet. The kraken repositions grabbed creatures to a different space within its reach unless the target succeeds at a DC 38 Fortitude save.

If the kraken is in water, it then releases a cloud of ink in an 80-foot emanation. This cloud has no effect outside of water. Creatures inside the cloud are undetected, can't use their sense of smell, and are exposed to kraken ink poison. The cloud dissipates after 1 minute.

Kraken Ink (poison) Krakens are immune to this poison. Saving Throw DC 39 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 10 rounds; Stage 1 3d6 poison damage and sickened 1 (1 round); Stage 2 4d6 poison damage and sickened 2 (1 round).

Craft Requirements Supply the corpse of a kraken.