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PFS StandardMagnetic ShieldItem 5

Legacy Content

Alchemical Aura 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 64 1.1
Price 130 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1
Activate [one-action] Interact
Copper rings spiral around this steel shield. Twin electrical probes near the grip can socket into a jar of moderate (or higher leveled) bottled lightning, which takes 3 Interact actions to install. A loaded magnetic shield can be activated to convert it into an electromagnet. When an activated magnetic shield is raised, the circumstance bonus increases by 1 against attacks made with weapons primarily made of metal. If you use a Shield Block against a creature attacking you with such a weapon, you also gain a +1 item bonus to Disarm attempts against that weapon until the end of your next turn. The shield remains charged for 3 rounds, consuming the bottled lightning, and once the reaction has begun it can't be deactivated.