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Fighter Details | Fighter Feats | Fighter Kits | Fighter Sample Builds

Fighter Sample Builds


Source Core Rulebook pg. 152 4.0
You take out your opponents from a distance with ranged weapons, and you excel at dispatching flying or other hard-to-reach enemies

Ability Scores

Prioritize Dexterity. Constitution and Wisdom helps with survivability, and Strength adds damage with propulsive weapons.


Acrobatics, Medicine, Stealth, Thievery

Starting Feat

Point-Blank Shot

Higher-Level Feats

Double Shot (4th), Triple Shot (6th), Debilitating Shot (10th), Multishot Stance (16th), Impossible Volley (18th)


Source Core Rulebook pg. 148 4.0
Using a two-handed weapon, you push your foes about the battlefield and deal grievous wounds. You excel at taking down the biggest enemy standing in your way.

Ability Scores

Prioritizing Strength, Constitution, and Wisdom helps with survivability and increases your damage, and Dexterity allows extra maneuverability.


Athletics, Crafting, Intimidation, Medicine

Starting Feat

Power Attack

Higher-Level Feats

Knockdown (4th), Furious Focus (6th), Positioning Assault (8th), Brutal Finish (12th), Savage Critical (18th)


Source Core Rulebook pg. 150 4.0
With one hand free and a blade in the others, you are adept at foiling your opponents by way of misdirection, disarming strikes, and by always being ready for their clumsy attacks.

Ability Scores

Prioritize Strength. Dexterity and Wisdom help with survivability and versatility, and Constitution grants some extra toughness.


Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Medicine

Starting Feat

Snagging Strike

Higher-Level Feats

Dueling Parry (Fighter) (2nd), Guardian's Deflection (Fighter) (6th), Dueling Riposte (8th), Dueling Dance (Fighter) (12th), Stance Savant (Fighter) (14th)