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Ironclad Annihilator Beetle

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Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 47
Unspecific Lore: DC 45
Specific Lore: DC 42

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak Ironclad Annihilator BeetleCreature 20

Legacy Content

Rare N Gargantuan Beast 
Source Pathfinder #174: Shadows of the Ancients pg. 49
Perception +34; darkvision
Skills Acrobatics +34, Athletics +40
Str +10, Dex +6, Con +10, Int -5, Wis +5, Cha -1
AC 47; Fort +36, Ref +30, Will +33
HP 370
Carapace Deflection [reaction] Trigger The ironclad annihilator beetle is targeted with an attack from an attacker it can see; Effect The ironclad annihilator pivots to place its tough carapace in the way of the attack, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to its AC against the triggering attack. If the attack misses, the ironclad annihilator can Step after the attack.
Speed 30 feet, fly 30 feet
Melee [one-action] mandible +37 [+32/+27] (magical, reach 20 feet), Damage 4d12-2+20 piercing plus Improved GrabMelee [one-action] foot +35 [+30/+25] (magical, reach 15 feet), Damage 4d8-2+20 bludgeoningConstrict [one-action] 4d6+20 bludgeoning, DC 42Earthquake Stomp [one-action] Frequency once per round; Effect The ironclad annihilator beetle stomps the ground. All creatures within a 30-foot emanation must succeed at a DC 42 Fortitude saving throw or fall prone and become stunned 1 (stunned for 1 round on a critical failure).Oviposit [two-actions] Requirements The ironclad annihilator beetle has a creature grabbed; Effect The ironclad annihilator injects its ovipositor under the grabbed creature's skin. The creature takes 4d6+20 bludgeoning damage (DC 42 basic Fortitude save). On a failed save, the beetle implants an egg, and the target creature takes 4d6 persistent bleed damage that is unusually tenacious. The DC to stop the bleeding using Administer First Aid is 40, and healing the creature to full Hit Points doesn't automatically stop the bleeding. If the target creature dies from this bleed damage, its body is destroyed and unrecoverable except with powerful magic such as miracle or wish, and an immature ironclad annihilator beetle (with statistics as a giant stag beetle bursts forth.Sunder Objects When an ironclad annihilator damages an item or structure, it deals an additional 2d10 damage to that item or structure.Trample [three-actions] Huge or smaller, foot, DC 42