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Appendix 2: Kingdoms / Kingdom Creation

Step 4: Choose a Government

Source Kingmaker Adventure Path pg. 509
Though the terminology used in Kingmaker presumes the PCs establish a feudal monarchy in which a queen and/or king rules the land, feudalism isn't the only form of government to choose from. If the PCs decide upon a different type of government, adjust the names of certain leadership roles as you wish. The mechanics of these rules remain the same.

The choice of government grants three boosts to the kingdom's ability scores. Two boost specific abilities, while the third is a free boost that can be applied to any ability score other than the two that were specifically boosted. The government type also gives the kingdom the trained proficiency rank in two specific skills and grants a bonus Kingdom feat.

On the kingdom sheet, record the type of government the PCs chose, which two skills received training, and which Kingdom feat the PCs received. On a separate sheet, record which three kingdom abilities received a boost in this step; refer to it when finalizing ability scores in step 5.


Your nation's rule is centered around a single individual who seized or inherited command and whose authority is absolute. The ruler of this kingdom still retains advisors and assistants, but only when they obey the ruler's whims.
Ability Boosts Stability and Economy, plus a free ability boost
Skill Proficiencies Intrigue and Warfare
Bonus Feat Crush Dissent


Your nation's rule is vested in a dynastic royal family, though much of the real power is distributed among their vassals and fiefdoms.
Ability Boosts Stability and Culture, plus a free ability boost
Skill Proficiencies Defense and Trade
Bonus Feat Fortified Fiefs


Your nation's rule is determined by a council of influential leaders who make decisions for all others.
Ability Boosts Loyalty and Economy, plus a free ability boost
Skill Proficiencies Arts and Industry
Bonus Feat Insider Trading


Your nation draws its leadership from its own citizens. Elected representatives meet in parliamentary bodies to guide the nation.
Ability Boosts Stability and Loyalty, plus a free ability boost
Skill Proficiencies Engineering and Politics
Bonus Feat Pull Together


Your nation is governed by those most skilled in magic, using their knowledge and power to determine the best ways to rule. While the type of magic wielded by the nation's rulers can adjust its themes (or even its name—a thaumocracy run by divine spellcasters would be a theocracy, for example), the details below remain the same whether it's arcane, divine, occult, primal, or any combination of the four.
Ability Boosts Economy and Culture, plus a free ability boost
Skill Proficiencies Folklore and Magic
Bonus Feat Practical Magic


Your nation is decentralized and relies on local leaders and citizens to handle government issues, sending representatives to each other as needed to deal with issues that concern more than one locality.
Ability Boosts Loyalty and Culture, plus a free ability boost
Skill Proficiencies Agriculture and Wilderness
Bonus Feat Muddle Through