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Other Consumables

PFS StandardSextant of the NightItem 4

Legacy Content

Divination Magical 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 116 1.1
Price 95 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1
This finely wrought sextant is made from silver with several onyx mirrors and shades made from thin sets of crystal glass. A fine spyglass made of silver is affixed to the frame; removing the spyglass destroys the sextant. By all appearances, the sextant shouldn't function, as the shades and mirrors are swapped, but when you look through the spyglass, you see a night sky during the day and the sun during the night, as if day and night were inverted.

When you use the sextant, you gain a +1 item bonus to Survival checks, which increases to a +2 item bonus when you Sense Direction.