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PFS StandardVoice from the GraveItem 10

Legacy Content

Uncommon Magical Mental Necromancy 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 117 1.1
Price 1,700 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
This onyx skull emits eerie whispers when on its own, but when held the skull enables you to speak with spirits and haunts you can see, even if you don't share a language. The voice from the grave translates anything the spirit or haunt says, using a language you understand, and translates your words for the spirit or haunt in kind. This doesn't make the target friendly or even cooperative, but it does enable communication. The GM determines the language in the case of a haunt. You can't communicate with mindless spirits using the skull.

Activate [two-actions] command, envision; Frequency once per hour; Effect The onyx skull casts a DC 27 charm spell on one spirit or haunt you can communicate with using the skull. If you target a haunt that doesn't have a Will modifier, it automatically gets a failure on its save.