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Mythic Striker

Source War of Immortals pg. 169
Add the listed mythic abilities up to the creature's level.

Mythic strikers focus on dealing out damage in one or two big swings and then moving out of direct melee.

Deadly Striker A mythic striker deals an additional 1d6 precision damage on its next Strike whenever it uses an action to Stride 10 or more feet (or to Burrow, Climb, or Fly 10 or more feet).
Mythic Mobility A mythic striker benefits from high mobility and is difficult to pin down. It always uses the extreme skill value for a creature of its level as its Acrobatics modifier.
Mythic Weakness (Infirmity) A mythic striker relies on swift attacks and lightning coordination to overcome its opponents. It never gains mythic resilience in Fortitude and can't gain the Remove a Condition mythic power action.
Unimpeded [one-action] Cost 1 Mythic Point; Effect The mythic striker automatically ends one effect that would give it a circumstance penalty to Speed. When it attempts to Escape an effect that has it immobilized, grabbed, or restrained, it automatically succeeds.

Shadows And Teamwork

Mythic strikers dart in and out of battle, but have a difficult time defending themselves. They often need allies to improve their defenses, heal them, or draw the attention of their foes. Mythic strikers designed from the ground up, instead of by applying the template to an existing creature, are typically built using the magical striker or skirmisher base road maps.