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Clockwork HopperVehicle 6

Legacy Content

Uncommon Large 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 95 2.0
Price 750 gp
A clockwork hopper is similar in form to a large rabbit, making hop-like strides that avoid terrain impediments, though the lurching hops can be bumpy and cause motion sickness in some riders.
Space 10 feet long, 10 feet wide, 12 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 2
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 22) or Crafting (DC 24)
AC 19; Fort +14
Hardness 5, HP 80 (BT 40); Immunities object immunities
Speed 35 feet (clockwork)
Collision 4d10 (DC 22)
Hopper This vehicle hops across the terrain as it moves across the ground. The clockwork hopper ignores difficult terrain from earth, rock, rubble, slopes, and underbrush, and greater difficult terrain caused by those features is normal difficult terrain to the clockwork hopper. Massive Jump [three-actions] (move, reckless) The pilot engages a spring-driven mechanism that rockets the clockwork hopper into the air, in a grand leap. The vehicle jumps in a straight line in the direction of its current heading without touching the ground, landing in a space of solid ground up to 70 feet forward and up to 30 feet up. Creatures adjacent to the spaces a hopper lands in take 4d10 bludgeoning damage with a DC 22 basic Reflex save, and are knocked prone on a critical failure. The clockwork hopper can't use Massive Jump again for 1 minute. Massive Jump stops working if the clockwork hopper is broken.

Wind-Up 10 minutes of wind-up, 1 hour of operational time, DC 22, standby