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PFS StandardSkittering MaskItem 2+

Legacy Content

Invested Magical Transmutation 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 155 1.1, Pathfinder #169: Kindled Magic pg. 74
Usage worn mask; Bulk 1
A skittering mask is a hand-carved, wooden, full-head mask that sports several holes along each side of the face. The first time each day that you begin your turn unconscious and within 25 feet of an enemy, skittering metallic insect legs emerge from the holes in the mask and Step 5 feet away from the nearest enemy, dragging your body along with the mask. If more than one enemy is equidistant, the mask Steps away from one of them at random. The mask possesses no special senses and does not react to hidden or undetected enemies, nor can it distinguish that a creature not acting openly hostile is an enemy.

PFS StandardSkittering MaskItem 2

Source Treasure Vault pg. 155 1.1
Price 30 gp
Bulk 1

PFS StandardSkittering Mask (Greater)Item 8

Source Treasure Vault pg. 155 1.1
Price 500 gp
Bulk 1
The mask Steps 15 feet instead of 5 feet, and for 1 minute, each time you begin your turn unconscious and within 25 feet of an enemy, the mask Steps 15 feet away from the nearest enemy again. An ally can signal the mask with a single action, which has the auditory and concentrate traits. If the mask hears the signal, it attempts to move you towards that ally when it Steps away from the nearest enemy.