The Unbound StepLegacy Content
Source Dark Archive pg. 23The mind can flit from thought to thought; why too shouldn't you? You focus on motion in a higher order of spatial dimensions, not just the typical three, allowing for versatile abilities that alter positioning.
thoughtful gift; 2nd:
enlarge; 3rd:
rally point; 4th:
dimension door; 5th:
strange geometry; 6th:
collective transposition; 7th:
momentary recovery; 8th:
maze; 9th:
bilocationStandard Psi Cantrips phase bolt and
warp stepUnique Psi Cantrips surface:
distortion lens; deeper:
ghostly shift; deepest:
tesseract tunnelPhase Bolt
phase bolt temporarily sends the target's cover out of phase if it hits. On a success, reduce the target's circumstance bonus to AC (if any) by 1 until the beginning of your next turn. Your
phase bolt also gains the following amp.
Amp Your bolt leaves phase completely, becoming invisible and intangible until it's already embedded in the target— giving the impression it simply teleported itself into place. The target is
flat-footed against the attack. Additionally, the bolt ignores an amount of Hardness or resistance to piercing damage equal to half the spell's level. On a critical success, the target can't be affected by
teleportation effects until the start of your next turn.
Amp Heightened (+1) The bolt's damage increases by 2d4 instead of 1d4.
Warp Step
You warp space more compactly, granting you a +10-foot status to your Speed instead of a +5-foot status bonus when you
warp step. The spell also gains the following amp.
Amp Space contracts with hardly a thought, letting you Cast the Spell as a single action.
Amp Heightened (4th) You twist space so completely you don't need to travel the interposing distance. You can choose to instead teleport to a space within your line of sight and line of effect with a range equal to your double your Speed (after applying the status bonus from
warp step). This grants the spell the
teleportation trait.