Malleable Form [one-action] Feat 13Legacy Content
Reflection Transmutation Source Dark Archive pg. 121Prerequisites ability to cast at least one
polymorph spell
Requirements You're polymorphed by a spell that has multiple choices of battle form.
You adroitly shift your form, taking on another appearance. Choose a different battle form of the polymorph spell affecting you, and change to that form instead of the current one. This destabilizes the spell's magic, reducing its duration by 1 round. Use the level of the spell to determine the statistics, as normal.
Reflection: A creature with this trait has the reflection versatile heritage. Reflections are beings who are copies of living people, whether through cloning, planar duplication, or another mechanism. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by reflections.
Transmutation: Effects and magic items with this trait are associated with the transmutation school of magic, typically changing something’s form.