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Visions of Danger
[three-actions] Spell 7Legacy Content
Auditory Illusion Visual Source Core Rulebook pg. 381 4.0Traditions occultBloodline feyCast [three-actions] material,
verbalRange 500 feet;
Area 30-foot burst
Saving Throw Will;
Duration 1 minute
An illusion of horrific creatures fills the spell's area. The creatures look like Tiny swarming monsters with a specific appearance of your choice, such as Hellish flies or animated saw blades. The burst deals 8d8 mental damage (
basic Will save) to each creature that's inside the burst when it's created, enters the burst, or starts its turn inside the burst. A creature that critically succeeds at its Will save can immediately attempt to disbelieve the illusion. A creature that tries to Interact with the monsters or observes one with a
Seek action can attempt to disbelieve the illusion. Creatures that disbelieve the illusion take no damage from the illusion thereafter.
Heightened (+1) The mental damage increases by 1d8.