Heart's Desire
[two-actions] Focus 3Legacy Content
Uncommon Emotion Illusion Mental Sorcerer Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 236 2.0Bloodline genieCast [two-actions] somatic,
verbalRange 60 feet;
Targets 1 creature
Saving Throw Will;
Duration varies
You surround your target with wondrous illusions of their greatest desires, which distract them from reality. The target must attempt a Will save.
Critical Success The target disbelieves the illusion and is unaffected.
Success For 1 round, the target is
stupefied 2 and takes a –2 status penalty to any checks it makes to determine the effects of reactions.
Failure For 1 minute, the target is stupefied 2 and can't use reactions.
Critical Failure As failure, and all spaces are difficult terrain for the target.
Heightened (+2) You can target one additional creature.