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Cleric Sample Builds


Source Core Rulebook pg. 124 4.0
Following the Wind and the Waves, you protect the beauty of nature in all its forms.

Ability Scores

Prioritize Wisdom and Strength. Charisma increases your divine font heal spells.


Athletics, Nature, Religion, Survival


Gozreh (alignment: LN; divine font: heal)



Higher-Level Feats

Domain Initiate (water, 1st) (1st), Divine Weapon (6th)

Prepared Spells

1st gust of wind, heal spells from divine font, sanctuary; Cantrips detect magic, know direction, light, message, shield


Source Core Rulebook pg. 126 4.0
A follower of the Lady of Graves, you respect the sanctity of both life and death.

Ability Scores

Prioritize Wisdom, with Charisma second to maximize your healing and help you spread the word of your faith.


Diplomacy, Medicine, Occultism, Religion


Pharasma (alignment: N; divine font: heal)


Cloistered cleric (death domain)

Higher-Level Feats

Turn Undead (2nd), Selective Energy (6th)

Prepared Spells

1st fear, heal spells from divine font, mindlink; Cantrips daze, detect magic, disrupt undead, light, stabilize