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PFS StandardThousand Visions [free-action] Feat 4

Cursebound Oracle Prediction 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 139 1.1

You open your senses to numerous visions of the immediate future. The visions grant you subtle details of your immediate surroundings within 30 feet. Within this range, you don't need to succeed at a flat check to target a concealed creature, you're not off-guard to creatures that are hidden from you (unless you're off-guard to them for reasons other than the hidden condition), and you need only a successful DC 5 flat check to target a hidden creature. Beyond 30 feet, the visions become overwhelmed with too many possible futures, making all of your senses imprecise beyond this range. The visions persist for 1 minute.



Abilities with this trait tighten your oracular curse's grasp on your soul in exchange for divine insights, giving you the cursebound condition. When you use a cursebound ability, you become cursebound 1, or if you were already cursebound, you increase the value of your cursebound condition by 1. As cursebound abilities are directly linked to your oracular curse, you can't use a cursebound ability if you don't have an oracular curse or if you are already at your maximum cursebound value. You can't mitigate or bypass the drawbacks of any cursebound ability with spells or other effects, and the effects of any cursebound ability end when you Refocus and remove the cursebound condition. A cursebound ability that allows a defense uses your spell attack modifier or spell DC unless noted otherwise.


Effects with this trait determine what is likely to happen in the near future.