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PFS StandardTapestry RefugeeBackground

Legacy Content

Source Organized Play Foundation
PFS Note You can select this background only if you have earned credit for at least 5 First Edition scenarios from Season 10 of the Pathfinder Society organized play campaign.

Within her magnificent museum demiplane, the sorcerer Hao Jin extracted and preserved countless sites and cultures. The demiplane’s unraveling magic forced the Pathfinder Society to evacuate the many inhabitants recently, and you were among the refugees who returned to the Material Plane after centuries of isolation. Whether you joined the Society out of gratitude, curiosity, or desperation, you are hardened by your harrowing flight from your doomed home.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Constitution or Wisdom, and one is a free attribute boost.

You're trained in your choice of either the Medicine or Stealth skill, as well as a Lore skill related to the terrain you lived in while on the demiplane (such as Cave Lore or Desert Lore). You gain the Assurance skill feat with the skill you chose to become trained in (Medicine or Stealth).