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PFS StandardPoison FizzItem 8+

Legacy Content

Alchemical Consumable Lozenge 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 50 1.1
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk
Activate [one-action] Interact
Made from a special mixture of honey and alchemical reagents, poison fizz is a zesty, sweet rock candy that pops and crackles in your mouth. For 1 hour, you have an item bonus to saving throws against poison and being petrified.

Secondary Effect [two-actions] (poison) Effect You bite the poison fizz to release its poisonous liquid center and spray green mist in a 15-foot cone. This deals poison damage with a basic Reflex save. A creature that critically fails is also blinded until the end of your next turn and is then temporarily immune to being blinded by poison fizz for 1 hour.

PFS StandardPoison Fizz (Lesser)Item 8

Source Treasure Vault pg. 50 1.1
Price 80 gp
The item bonus is +2, the damage is 3d6, and the DC is 24.

PFS StandardPoison Fizz (Moderate)Item 12

Source Treasure Vault pg. 50 1.1
Price 350 gp
The item bonus is +2, the damage is 4d6, and the DC is 29.

PFS StandardPoison Fizz (Greater)Item 15

Source Treasure Vault pg. 50 1.1
Price 1,000 gp
The item bonus is +3, the damage is 5d6, and the DC is 34.