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PFS StandardTanglefoot ExtruderItem 3

Legacy Content

Source Treasure Vault pg. 65 1.1
Price 50 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] Interact
This portable nozzle-and-trigger assembly based on spider spinnerets can extrude and weave alchemical adhesives into temporary constructions. As an Interact action, you can attach a tanglefoot bag to the extruder. A loaded tanglefoot extruder can be activated to consume the attached tanglefoot bag and convert it into a 30-foot rope, whip, or net, depending on the nozzle die you choose when activating the device. The created object lasts for 1 hour. The DC to Escape a created rope (if used to bind a creature) or net is equal to the consumed tanglefoot bag's DC and Escaping destroys the created object.