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Gingerbread HouseItem 6

This Item may contain spoilers from the Blood Lords Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Uncommon Conjuration Magical Structure 
Source Pathfinder #182: Graveclaw pg. 75
Price 240 gp
Bulk L (when not activated)
A gingerbread house is made of magical gingerbread sweetened with honey and spices, and further decorated with candies and icing. Its roof tiles are made of sugar. It can be held safely in one hand but is very delicate; it's often stored within a wooden box of 1 Bulk.

Activate [three-actions] 1 minute (command, envision, Interact); Effect The gingerbread house expands into a spacious and comfortable two-story cottage with a fenced yard. Although fully furnished with beds, chairs, tables, and so on, it and all its contents are made of magical gingerbread and candy. It includes a hearth that keeps the entire house warm but doesn't damage its composition. The house's cupboards are supplied with candy and cocoa sufficient to sustain 10 Medium creatures that eat roughly as much as a human for as long as the house remains activated. Creatures who spend an entire day and night resting in a gingerbread house recover Hit Points at twice the normal rate; if they successfully save against an affliction, they reduce the stage of that affliction by an additional step.

When not activated the gingerbread house has Hardness 0, 2 Hit Points, and a BT of 1. Once activated, it has Hardness 0, 40 HP, and a BT of 20. Any damage done to the activated house—including eating any part of its structure—remains when the house returns to its un-activated size.

Craft Requirements You can attempt Cooking Lore checks instead of Crafting checks to Craft a gingerbread house.