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Abberton Ruffian

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Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 13
Unspecific Lore: DC 11
Specific Lore: DC 8

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak Abberton RuffianCreature -2

Legacy Content

NE Medium Human Humanoid 
Source Pathfinder #151: The Show Must Go On pg. 9
human ruffians
Perception +2
Languages Common
Skills Athletics +3, Deception +1, Gambling Lore +-1, Intimidation +1, Thievery +1
Str +3, Dex +1, Con +2, Int -1, Wis +2, Cha +1
Items bottles, dagger
AC 11; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +0
HP 8
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] dagger +5 [+1/-3] (agile, thrown 10 feet, versatile S), Damage 1d4-2+3 piercingMelee [one-action] fist +5 [+1/-3] (agile, nonlethal), Damage 1d4-2+3 bludgeoningRanged [one-action] thrown bottle +3 [-2/-7] (range 10 feet), Damage 1d6-2+3 bludgeoningOpening Threat [one-action] Requirement The ruffian hasn't acted yet on their turn; Effect The ruffian uses an Interact action to draw their dagger, then uses Demoralize.