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PFS StandardCoral Armor

Legacy Content

Source Treasure Vault pg. 10 1.1
Price 5 gp; AC Bonus +3; Dex Cap +2; Check Penalty -2; Speed Penalty -5 ft.
Strength 14; Bulk 2; Category Medium; Group Skeletal
A good option for undersea explorers and aquatic peoples alike, coral armor consists of panels of carved coral. If worn underwater, some of this coral can even be alive.



This armor is made for use underwater, with streamlined design and buoyant materials used in strategic places. You don’t apply the armor’s check penalty to Acrobatics or Athletics checks in water or similar liquids.

Armor Specialization Effects

Source Core Rulebook pg. 275 4.0
Certain class features can grant you additional benefits with certain armors. This is called an armor specialization effect. The exact effect depends on which armor group your armor belongs to, as listed below. Only medium and heavy armors have armor specialization effects.

Skeletal: Armor made from the bone or exoskeleton of creatures as diverse as bears, insects, and coral, skeletal armor protects vital points from precision damage. You gain resistance to precision damage equal to 3 + the value of the armor's potency rune for medium armor, or 5 + the value of the armor's potency rune for heavy armor

Specific Magic Armor

Reef Heart