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PFS LimitedOoze AmmunitionItem 2+

Legacy Content

Acid Alchemical Consumable 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 43 1.1
Ammunition any; Bulk
Activate [one-action] Interact
Ooze ammunition is a capsule containing a sticky substance. If you hit a creature with activated ooze ammunition, it deals acid damage instead of its normal damage type, and the creature then takes the listed penalty to Speed and persistent acid damage until it ends the effects. On a critical hit, the creature is immobilized for 1 round in addition to the other effects. The target can end the effects by Escaping the sticky foam. Other creatures can provide the actions, although doing so deals half the ammunition's persistent acid damage to the assisting creature. A creature that ends the effect still takes the persistent damage that turn.

PFS LimitedOoze Ammunition (Lesser)Item 2

Source Treasure Vault pg. 43 1.1
Price 7 gp
The ammunition deals 1d4 persistent acid damage and imposes a –5-foot penalty to Speed, and the Escape DC is 16.

PFS LimitedOoze Ammunition (Moderate)Item 6

Source Treasure Vault pg. 43 1.1
Price 42 gp
The ammunition deals 2d4 persistent acid damage and imposes a –10-foot penalty to Speed, and the Escape DC is 20.

PFS LimitedOoze Ammunition (Greater)Item 12

Source Treasure Vault pg. 43 1.1
Price 350 gp
The ammunition deals 3d4 persistent acid damage and imposes a –10-foot penalty to Speed, and the Escape DC is 29.

PFS LimitedOoze Ammunition (Major)Item 18

Source Treasure Vault pg. 43 1.1
Price 3,250 gp
The ammunition deals 4d4 persistent acid damage and imposes a –15-foot penalty to Speed, and the Escape DC is 38.