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Source Player Core 2 pg. 91 1.1
You have one of the following causes. Some are limited to sanctification, as noted in parentheses. Your cause adds to your edicts and anathema and grants you a special reaction called your champion’s reaction, which appears after the divider, along with its upgrades if you gain the relentless reaction and exalted reaction class features at higher levels.

Edicts and Anathema You gain any edicts or anathema listed.
Champion's Reaction You gain this reaction to enemy attacks.
Relentless Reaction If you gain the relentless reaction class feature (typically at 9th level), you add this benefit to your reaction. Damage dealt by your relentless reaction gains any holy or unholy trait you have.
Exalted Reaction If you gain the exalted reaction class feature (typically at 11th level), when you use your champion's reaction you also give a benefit for your allies or detriment for your enemies.

PFS RestrictedDesecration (Unholy)

Source Player Core 2 pg. 91 1.1
You always take what pleases you, no matter who it hurts, and you spread a malign influence across all you touch.

Edicts subvert or corrupt everything in your path that is pure or holy, sow doubt among those holding ideals of purity or holiness

Champion's Reaction

Selfish Shield [reaction]

Source Player Core 2 pg. 91 1.1
Trigger An enemy in your champion’s aura damages you
Your self-interest keeps you safe. You gain resistance against the triggering damage equal to 2 + half your level, regardless of damage type.
In addition, your Strikes against the triggering creature deal 1 extra spirit damage until the end of your next turn. This extra damage increases to 2 at 9th level and 3 at 16th level.

Relentless Reaction Level 9

If your Charisma modifier is +3 or greater, your resistance against the triggering damage equals your Charisma modifier + half your level.

Exalted Reaction Level 11

Each enemy in your champion’s aura takes a –1 status penalty to attack rolls against you until the start of your next turn.

PFS StandardGrandeur (Holy)

Source Player Core 2 pg. 91 1.1
The glowing grandeur of the immaculate celestial realms inspires you, and you exhort their virtues to bring humility to the denizens of other grim worlds.

Edicts provide a shining example for others, enjoy and share the beauty around you, keep yourself tidy and well groomed

Anathema despoil yourself by associating with fiends and unholy force

Champion's Reaction

Flash of Grandeur [reaction]

Source Player Core 2 pg. 91 1.1
Trigger An enemy damages your ally, and both are in your champion’s aura
Imperious divine light flashes out from you to surround your foe. The ally gains resistance to all damage against the triggering damage equal to 2 + your level. For 1 round, the attacker is affected by revealing light.

Relentless Reaction Level 9

The enemy also takes persistent spirit damage equal to your Charisma modifier, and it can't recover from this persistent damage while affected by the revealing light from your Flash of Grandeur.

Exalted Reaction Level 11

In addition to the enemy affected by Flash of Grandeur, each other enemy in your champion's aura is affected by the revealing light spell for 1 round.

PFS RestrictedIniquity (Unholy)

Source Player Core 2 pg. 91 1.1
You’re dishonorable, dishonest, and committed to breaking the false hopes of kindness.

Edicts destroy that which offends you or stands in your way, take advantage of others, cheat, steal

Anathema bind yourself with a law other than what your deity requires

Champion's Reaction

Destructive Vengeance [reaction]

Source Player Core 2 pg. 92 1.1
Trigger An enemy in your champion’s aura damages you
Bloodshed begets bloodshed as you drag your enemy toward oblivion. You increase the amount of damage you take by 1d6, and you deal 1d6 spirit damage to the triggering enemy. The damage you take and deal when you use this reaction increases to 2d6 at 5th level, 3d6 at 9th level, 4d6 at 12th level, 5d6 at 16th level, and 6d6 at 19th level.
In addition, until the end of your next turn, your Strikes against the triggering creature deal 2 extra spirit damage. This extra damage increases to 4 at 9th level and 6 at 16th level.

Relentless Reaction Level 9

An enemy damaged by the initial reaction's damage also takes persistent spirit damage equal to your Charisma modifier. (This applies only to the damage the reaction itself deals, not the damage you deal with subsequent Strikes.)

Exalted Reaction Level 11

Each enemy in your champion’s aura other than the triggering creature takes half the damage you deal to the triggering enemy.

PFS StandardJustice

Source Player Core 2 pg. 92 1.1
In your deity’s name you seek justice, following the law and punishing those who transgress it.

Edicts follow the law, respect legitimate authorities or leadership

Anathema take advantage of another, cheat

Champion's Reaction

Retributive Strike [reaction]

Source Player Core 2 pg. 92 1.1
Trigger An enemy damages your ally, and both are in your champion’s aura
You protect your ally and strike your enemy. The ally gains resistance to all damage against the triggering damage equal to 2 + your level. If the enemy is within reach, make a melee Strike against it.

Relentless Reaction Level 9

If your Strike hits, the target takes persistent spirit damage equal to your Charisma modifier.

Exalted Reaction Level 11

Each ally in your champion’s aura with the target in their melee reach can spend a reaction to Strike the target with a –5 penalty.

PFS StandardLiberation

Source Player Core 2 pg. 92 1.1
You will see all people free from bondage and prohibitions.

Edicts oppose slavery and tyranny, fight for others’ freedom to make their own decisions, respect choices others make for their own lives

Anathema force or threaten someone to act a certain way, engage in slavery or tyranny

Champion's Reaction

Liberating Step [reaction]

Source Player Core 2 pg. 92 1.1
Trigger An enemy damages, grabs, or restrains your ally, and both are in your champion’s aura
You free an ally from restraint. If the trigger was an ally taking damage, the ally gains resistance to all damage against the triggering damage equal to 2 + your level. The ally can attempt to break free of effects grabbing, restraining, immobilizing, or paralyzing them. They either attempt a new save against one such effect that allows a save, or attempt to Escape from one effect as a free action. Whether or not it needed to escape, the ally can then Step as a free action if it's able to move.

Relentless Reaction Level 9

You punish those who ensnare your allies. If the triggering enemy was using any effects to make your ally grabbed, restrained, immobilized, or paralyzed when you used Liberating Step, that enemy takes persistent spirit damage equal to your Charisma modifier.

Exalted Reaction Level 11

In addition to the ally affected by Liberating Step, you and all other allies in your champion’s aura can Step as a free action. You and your allies gain the benefit even if the ally who benefited from Liberating Step can’t move.

PFS StandardObedience

Source Player Core 2 pg. 93 1.1
Society is ordered with good reason, and people should conduct themselves as appropriate for their proper place.

Edicts enforce proper hierarchies, topple illegitimate hierarchies, lead when you’re the most suited to the task

Anathema let one who is lesser than you wield power over you or lead you

Champion's Reaction

Iron Command [reaction]

Source Player Core 2 pg. 93 1.1
Trigger An enemy in your champion’s aura damages you
You put an impertinent foe who dared harm you in their proper place. You command your enemy to kneel before you in obedience. If they dare to refuse, they must pay the price in pain and anguish. The enemy must choose one of the following options.
  • Kneel The enemy drops prone as a free action.
  • Refuse You deal 1d6 mental damage to the enemy.

This damage increases to 2d6 at 5th level, 3d6 at 9th level, 4d6 at 12th level, 5d6 at 16th level, and 6d6 at 19th level. Regardless of which option the enemy chose, your Strikes against it deal 1 extra spirit damage until the end of your next turn. This extra damage increases to 2 at 9th level and 3 at 16th level.

Relentless Reaction Level 9

If the enemy refuses, it takes persistent spirit damage equal to your Charisma modifier.

Exalted Reaction Level 11

Each enemy in your champion's aura other than the triggering creature must also either drop prone or take mental damage (each enemy chooses). These creatures take only minimum damage (typically 3 damage at 11th level, 4 at 12th, 5 at 16th, and 6 at 19th), and the effects they take can't be adjusted by anything that changes your Iron Command. For instance, the Iron Repercussions feat couldn't turn the damage into persistent mental damage for creatures other than the triggering creature.

PFS StandardRedemption (Holy)

Source Player Core 2 pg. 93 1.1
Yearning for all to live in harmony, you make every attempt to redeem those others might slay or dismiss.

Edicts try to redeem those who commit wicked deeds, show compassion to others regardless of their authority or station

Anathema kill a sapient enemy without first offering a chance at redemption

Champion's Reaction

Glimpse of Redemption [reaction]

Source Player Core 2 pg. 93 1.1
Trigger An enemy damages your ally, and both are in your champion’s aura
Your enemy hesitates under the weight of sin as visions of redemption play in their mind's eye. The enemy must choose to repent or refuse, with the following effects. If the enemy is mindless or otherwise unable to repent, use the refuse result.
  • Repent The ally is unharmed by the triggering damage.
  • Refuse The ally gains resistance to all damage against the triggering damage equal to 2 + your level. After the damaging effect is applied, the enemy becomes enfeebled 2 until the end of its next turn.

Relentless Reaction Level 9

If the enemy refuses, it takes persistent spirit damage equal to your Charisma modifier.

Exalted Reaction Level 11

If the enemy refuses, you can choose to grant the resistance to yourself and all allies in your champion’s aura, including the triggering ally. If you do, the resistance is reduced by 2 for all.