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Source Monster Core pg. 338
These gluttonous green vermin travel from the Outer Rifts in an endless search for food. Along the way, these acrid wasps devour everything in sight. Not even the ground itself is spared from their appetite. While any single vescavor is no problem, they travel in swarms to overwhelm anything trying to stop them. In a truly unfortunate situation, several swarms will be gathered and led by a vescavor queen. These queens, while fearsome on their own, can drive their brood into a feeding rage unlike any other. Swarms found without a queen are directionless, destroying anything around them indiscriminately. Whenever a vescavor swarm is not eating, it gibbers mind-numbing songs from the fiends' dark world. Adapted to the shrieking jungles of their home plane, they issue a call that confuses and corrupts mortals.

Philosophers who ponder the Outer Rifts often conjecture as to what kind of soul forms a vescavor. The idea of insect souls being sent to the Outer Rifts is often laughed off but never entirely dismissed. Some assume that they are demons of gluttony, plain and simple. Some of the more creative explanations of vescavor origins posit that all the bits of soul eaten up by attacking demons are what coalesce into these endless swarms. Such an explanation would account for how these endlessly feeding demons also seem to be endless in number.


Vescavor Queen (Creature 9), Vescavor Swarm (Creature 5)