Ancestries | Versatile Heritages

Yaoguai Details | Yaoguai Feats | Universal Ancestry Feats | Yaoguai Heritages

PFS StandardBorn of Animal

Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 84
You were a simple animal until the sun enlightened you.
  • Humanoid Form Animals can sense the power of your presence. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Intimidation checks against animals and beasts and don't take a penalty for attempting to Intimidate animals or beasts you don't share a language with.
  • Yaoguai Form You can dash like an animal. If you
  • have both hands free, you can increase your Speed
  • to 30 feet as you run on all fours.

Feats Requiring Born of Animal...

Crawling Form