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Monk's Attire

Source Treasure Vault pg. 202 1.1
Aspects emotion (dedication) and life
According to tales, some of the first monks to assemble the austere monk's attire were servants of Irori. This deity is a symbol of devotion and self-discovery through one's understanding of body, mind, and soul. Monk's attire resonates with Irori's dedication, focusing on the highest gain from minimal acquisition, eschewing material objects. Legend holds Irori did so, and that some famous monk's attire sets include a scrap of Irori's original possessions. Other monastic orders have similar traditions of minimal personal effects, with an emphasis on spiritual focus, practicality, and self-defense.
Set Items: handwraps of mighty blows (+1) (level 2), +1 cloth armor (level 5) or bracers of armor i (level 8), ki-channeling beads (level 11) or mask of uncanny breath (level 11)
Gifts: The set grants the following gifts.
The set grants the following features.
  • Two Items: The item bonus from overflowing life equals the relic's level.
  • Three Items: Any mental effect harmful to you triggers dominant emotion, which can counteract such effects.
  • Three Items (one 13th-level or higher item): Treat the outcome of your recovery checks as one step better.
  • Three Items (one 17th-level or higher item): If dominant emotion or emotion conduit counteract an effect, the target regains 5d10+5 Hit Points and gains a +2 status bonus to saving throws against mental effects for 10 minutes.