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Pharasma's Command

Source Treasure Vault pg. 202 1.1
Aspects life and time
Pharasma's devoted followers vow to seek out and destroy undead wherever they can be found, a task made more urgent with the rise of Tar-Baphon. Though the Whispering Tyrant was prevented from taking over Golarion, his forces are still massing. Undead unaffiliated with the lich represent an unacceptable perversion of the cycle of life and death to Pharasmins, and permitting such creatures to exist is anathema to her. To aid her faithful in their sacred duty to send the dead where they belong, Pharasmin priests developed this item set. While using Pharasma's command, you must abide by her edicts and anathema or else the relic ceases to function for you until you atone. This set doesn't function for undead beings.
Set Items: necklace of knives (level 2), holy prayer beads (level 5), wand of overflowing life (3rd-level spell) (level 9), cassock of devotion (level 11) or cloister robe (greater) (level 15), staff of final rest (major) (level 16)
Gifts: The set grants the following gifts.
The set grants the following features.
  • Two Items: Healing wave increases to 1d6 per relic level.
  • Three Items: You can use sands of the hourglass as a 30-foot line; each creature in the line must save against the effect.
  • Four Items: Treat the outcome of your recovery checks as one step better.
  • Five Items: When you use temporal pulse, each creature you slow takes 1d4 damage per relic level, and each creature you quicken regains 1d4 Hit Points per relic level. For living creatures, the damage is negative, but it's positive for undead.