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Food ShortageEvent +1

Legacy Content

Source Kingmaker Adventure Path pg. 559
Spoilage, treachery, or bad luck has caused a food shortage this turn.
Kingdom Skill Agriculture; Leader Treasurer

Critical Success Through careful rationing, you manage to get through the shortage without harm.
Success Your shortages are manageable, with some workers going hungry. Your kingdom's Consumption is increased by 1 at the start of the next turn. Attempt a DC 6 flat check. On a failure, this event reoccurs next turn (in addition to any other event that would occur).
Failure The shortages are severe. Your kingdom's Consumption is increased by 1 per settlement at the start of the next turn. Attempt a DC 16 flat check. On a failure, this event reoccurs next turn (in addition to any other event that would occur).
Critical Failure The shortages are catastrophic. Increase Unrest by 2 and Strife by 1, and your kingdom's Consumption is increased by 1 per settlement at the start of the next turn. This event reoccurs next turn (in addition to any other event that would occur).