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PFS StandardClawdancer

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 68 2.1
Nature provides many creatures weapons for hunting and defense, but few are as common and simple as the claw. Whether for climbing, catching, or rending, claws are an indispensable tool for any limbed denizen of the wild. Humanoid species with these weapons often take pride in such a gift, developing clawed combat into an art.

Catfolk of southern Tian Xia are particularly adept at fighting with their claws. They call their style the Knives of Valash and prioritize rapid strikes mixed with sharp grapples to pin a foe in place. The style’s practitioners, sometimes called Knives themselves, patrol the wilds honing their skills against the many dangers there. Once an acolyte rises sufficiently in rank, they’re sent out across Golarion to explore and “sharpen their claws.” Those who perfect their art over the years often return to Tian Xia to teach the next generation of the style.

PFS StandardClawdancer Dedication Feat 2

Archetype Dedication 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 68 2.1
Archetype Clawdancer
Prerequisites permanent unarmed claw or talon attack (such as one granted by your ancestry or a graft)

You've practiced the art of fighting with your natural claws, hooking them into prey and thrashing at targets surrounding you. You gain the following two actions, which let you assume specific stances to strike more effectively with your claws.

Claw Stance [one-action] (stance) Effect You extend the claws in your hands and focus your attention to take down single targets. The only Strikes you can make are frenzied claw unarmed attacks. These deal 1d6 slashing damage, are in the brawling group, and have the agile, finesse, grapple, unarmed, and versatile piercing traits.

Talon Stance [one-action] (stance) Effect You sway in a loose stance that lets you sweep in wide arcs with the claws on your feet. The only Strikes you can make are spinning talon unarmed attacks. These deal 1d8 slashing damage, are in the brawling group, and have the finesse, sweep, and unarmed traits. You don't need a free hand to use spinning talon strikes.

PFS StandardClaw Snag [reaction] Feat 4

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 68 2.1
Archetype Clawdancer
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication
Trigger A creature attempts to Escape while you have them grappled or restrained.

You hook into the target, pulling yourself forward and rending flesh. Shift into claw stance if you aren't in it already, then make a frenzied claw Strike against the triggering creature.

PFS StandardDashing Pounce [two-actions] Feat 4

Archetype Flourish 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 68 2.1
Archetype Clawdancer
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication
Requirements You are in claw stance and have two open hands.

With a burst of speed, you leap into the air, slashing with your hands. You Leap, and if you end your movement adjacent to an enemy, you make two frenzied claw unarmed strikes against it. Apply your multiple attack penalty to these Strikes normally. If both Strikes miss, you fall prone at the end of your Leap.

PFS StandardTalon Sweep [reaction] Feat 4

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 68 2.1
Archetype Clawdancer
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication
Trigger A creature attempts to Strike you while it’s flanking you.

Your long clawed legs let you catch enemies to either side. You shift to talon stance if you weren't in it already. If the Strike misses, you can make a spinning talon Strike against any creature flanking you.

PFS StandardAbscission Shards [one-action] Feat 6

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 68 2.1
Archetype Clawdancer
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication
Requirements Your last action was a successful frenzied claw or spinning talon Strike.

You twist your claw, breaking off a piece in your target. The shard deals 1d6 persistent bleed damage. This increases to 2d6 if your unarmed attacks deal three weapon damage dice, such as under a greater striking rune, and 3d6 if they deal four weapon damage dice.

PFS StandardHindquarter Kick [one-action] Feat 6

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 68 2.1
Archetype Clawdancer
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication
Requirements You are in claw stance and have grabbed a creature.

You hold your prey's defensive limbs in place with your claws while delivering a swift kick to their unprotected sides. Shift to talon stance and make two spinning talon Strikes against the grabbed creature. Apply your multiple attack penalty to these Strikes normally. You then release the grabbed creature.

PFS StandardSpinning Stand [one-action] or [two-actions] Feat 6

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 68 2.1
Archetype Clawdancer
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication
Requirements You’re prone.

You flare your legs around, using the momentum to both lash out and return to a standing position. You enter talon stance if you weren't in it already, make a spinning talon Strike against an enemy in reach, and then Stand. You don't take the -2 circumstance penalty for attacking while prone, and your Stand action doesn't trigger reactions. You can spend two actions using Spinning Stand to make two spinning talon Strikes instead of one; these Strikes must be against separate targets.

PFS StandardWheeling Grab [one-action] Feat 6

Archetype Flourish 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 68 2.1
Archetype Clawdancer
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication; trained in Acrobatics

You cartwheel on your claws, dancing over your foes. You shift into claw stance and Tumble Through. If you moved through an enemy's space, you can Grapple it.

PFS StandardFeline Dance [reaction] Feat 8

Uncommon Archetype Fortune 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 69 2.1
Archetype Clawdancer
Frequency once per hour
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication
Access catfolk ancestry
Trigger You attempt a basic Reflex save.
Requirements You’re in either claw stance or talon stance.

You fluidly move between stances in the process of dodging. Roll the save twice and take the higher result. If you were in claw stance, you shift to talon stance, and vice versa.

PFS StandardTear Tendons [two-actions] Feat 8

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 69 2.1
Archetype Clawdancer
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication
Requirements You are in claw stance and have two open hands.

You rake into your opponent with two claws, cutting into their muscle and depriving them of needed strength. Make two frenzied claw attacks against the same target, increasing the multiple attack penalty normally. If both attacks hit, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save against your class DC or be enfeebled 2 for 1 round; if it critically fails, it's instead enfeebled 2 for 1 minute.

PFS StandardHunting Snag [reaction] Feat 10

Archetype Flourish 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 69 2.1
Archetype Clawdancer
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication
Trigger A creature within your reach uses a move action or leaves a square during a move action it’s using.

Learning from nature's predators has taught you how to keep your prey close. Make a claw or talon unarmed Strike on the triggering creature. If it's a critical hit and the trigger is a move action, disrupt that action. If it hits and the creature left a square adjacent to you, you can Step into that square.

PFS StandardSpringboard [one-action] Feat 10

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 69 2.1
Archetype Clawdancer
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication
Requirements Your previous action was a successful spinning talon Strike against an adjacent foe.

You use the power of your leg lashing out to spring off your foe and leap toward another, your talon descending in a crescent. You Leap, which doesn't trigger reactions from the enemy you struck. If you land within melee reach of an enemy, you can choose to make a spinning talon Strike against them.

PFS StandardClaw and Talon Flow [one-action] Feat 12

Archetype Flourish 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 69 2.1
Archetype Clawdancer
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication
Requirements You’re in either claw stance or talon stance.

You fluidly shift between your two stances. You use the unarmed attack associated with your current clawdancer stance, then switch into the other stance (if you're in claw stance, make a frenzied claw Strike and then shift to talon stance, or vice versa).

PFS StandardPrecise Hooks Feat 14

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 69 2.1
Archetype Clawdancer
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication

Your body is a varied and deadly weapon. When you critically hit a target with your claw or talon, you can apply a critical specialization effect based on the stance you're in. For claw stance, apply the knife weapon group's effect. For talon stance, apply the axe group's effect. These effects are in addition to the claw's or talon's normal critical specialization effect if you apply it.

PFS StandardStorm of Claws [three-actions] Feat 16

Archetype Flourish 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 69 2.1
Archetype Clawdancer
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication
Requirements You’re in either claw stance or talon stance.

You lash out with your clawed limbs like a beast that has fallen upon its first meal in days, then back off to see your handiwork. Strike three times, with your multiple attack penalty increasing as normal. After each attack that hits and deals damage, you can Step.