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PFS StandardSpellslime

Source Player Core 2 pg. 171 1.1
Required Number of Abilities 4, and you must be able to cast spells using spell slots
Granted Abilities climber, darkvision, tough

These friendly, colorful oozes congeal from the essences left over from casting spells. They are extremely loyal.

Magic Scent

Source Player Core 2 pg. 171 1.1
Your spellslime familiar gains an imprecise sense with a range of 30 feet that enables it to smell magic of the same tradition as your own.

Ooze Defense

Source Player Core 2 pg. 171 1.1
Your spellslime familiar is easy to hit, but it lacks weak points. It is immune to critical hits and precision damage, but its AC is only 10 + your level (instead of an AC equal to yours).

Slime Rejuvenation

Source Player Core 2 pg. 171 1.1
Your spellslime familiar gains the focused rejuvenation ability, but it recovers 2 Hit Points per level when you Refocus instead of 1.