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PFS StandardAnimist

Source War of Immortals pg. 56
You have established a relationship with a spiritual entity known as an apparition, unlocking the ability to use animistic magic.

Multiclass Animist Characters

The animist archetype is a great way to create a character of another class who has a bond to a spiritual entity that they can draw powers from. The apparitions available to animists can open up opportunities to gain a variety of Lore skills and unique divine spells.

PFS StandardAnimist Dedication Feat 2

Archetype Dedication Multiclass 
Source War of Immortals pg. 56
Archetype Animist
Prerequisites Wisdom +2

You have formed a bond with an apparition and can cast divine spells. Choose a single apparition from those available to the animist (page 17). You become bound to that apparition and can attune to it each day during your daily preparations to become trained in its apparition skills. If you are 8th level, you are expert in its apparition skills while attuned to it, and if you are 16th level, you are a master in its apparition skills while attuned to it. You can spend 1 day of downtime ending your relationship with this apparition and bonding to a new one.

You gain the Cast a Spell activity. You can prepare two common cantrips each day from the divine spell list or any other divine cantrips you have access to, including the cantrip listed in your apparition’s apparition spells. You’re trained in the spell attack modifier and spell DC statistics. Your key spellcasting attribute for animist archetype spells is Wisdom, and they are divine animist spells.

PFS StandardBasic Animist Spellcasting Feat 4

Source War of Immortals pg. 56
Archetype Animist
Prerequisites Animist Dedication

You gain the basic spellcasting benefits as a prepared divine caster. In addition to standard divine tradition spells, you can prepare your bonded apparition’s apparition spells in your spell slots of the appropriate level from the animist archetype.

PFS StandardSpiritual Awakening Feat 4

Source War of Immortals pg. 56
Archetype Animist
Prerequisites Animist Dedication

You gain a 1st- or 2nd-level animist feat.

PFS StandardAnimist's Power Feat 6

Source War of Immortals pg. 56
Archetype Animist
Prerequisites Spiritual Awakening

You gain one animist feat. For the purpose of meeting its prerequisites, your animist level is equal to half your character level. You can’t use this feat to gain animist feats with the wandering trait.

Special You can select this feat more than once. Each time you select it, you gain another animist feat.

PFS StandardApparition Magic Feat 8

Source War of Immortals pg. 56
Archetype Animist
Prerequisites Basic Animist Spellcasting

You can cast more divine spells each day. You gain 1 additional spell slot from animist archetype feats for each spell rank other than your two highest animist spell slots. These additional slots can only be used to prepare spells from your apparition’s apparition spells.

PFS StandardExpert Animist Spellcasting Feat 12

Source War of Immortals pg. 56
Archetype Animist
Prerequisites Basic Animist Spellcasting; master in Religion

You gain the expert spellcasting benefits as a prepared divine caster.

PFS StandardMaster Animist Spellcasting Feat 18

Source War of Immortals pg. 56
Archetype Animist
Prerequisites Basic Animist Spellcasting; legendary in Religion

You gain the master spellcasting benefits as a prepared divine caster.