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PFS StandardTopology ProtoplasmItem 7

Legacy Content

Consumable Magical Oil Transmutation 
Source Secrets of Magic pg. 176 2.0
Price 70 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] Interact
This slimy gel wriggles to the touch, as if covered by a multitude of imperceptible cilia. If applied to a creature or object no larger than 7 feet in any dimension, the protoplasm shifts it into an ooze-like state for 1 minute, allowing the subject to squash and stretch harmlessly. In this state, a creature that attempts a check to Squeeze uses the outcome one degree of success better than it rolls and can move its full Speed while Squeezing, and an object can fit through a space 2 feet across. One vial can cover a creature or object of up to Large size, but as each vial is made from a specific ooze, multiple vials can't be combined together to cover a larger object, as the two gels simply negate each other.