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PFS StandardRebounding BreastplateItem 20

Legacy Content

Evocation Force Magical 
Source Secrets of Magic pg. 188 2.0
Price 70,000 gp
Usage worn armor; Bulk 2
Base Armor Breastplate
This +3 greater resilient greater fortification breastplate absorbs impacts for later release. While wearing the armor, you gain resistance 5 to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage and resistance 10 to force damage. Keep track of how much damage the armor prevents from enemy attacks, as the armor absorbs that damage. After 1 minute, the absorbed damage disperses harmlessly and resets to 0. Only damage caused by foes or hazards powers the armor, not damage you take from yourself, allies, or the environment.

Activate [one-action] Interact; Requirements Your armor has absorbed at least 30 damage; Effect The absorbed energy explodes from your armor in a pulse of force. Creatures in a 30-foot emanation take 10d6 force damage with a DC 43 basic Fortitude save. On a failure, they're pushed 10 feet away from you, and on a critical failure, they're pushed 20 feet away from you and fall prone. The armor's absorbed damage resets to 0.