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PFS StandardNoxious IncenseItem 9+

Legacy Content

Catalyst Consumable Magical 
Source Secrets of Magic pg. 169 2.0
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate Cast a Spell
Sold only in single sticks, this foul incense comes coated with a bevy of alchemical smoke that activates in the presence of intense heat, releasing its namesake pungent odor. Adding this catalyst to a wall of fire spell fills all squares adjacent to the wall with thick, foul smoke. Creatures in this area are concealed, and other creatures are concealed to creatures in the area. The smoke lasts for the duration of the spell.

PFS StandardNoxious IncenseItem 9

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 169 2.0
Price 125 gp
Hands 1;Bulk L
The incense can be used with a wall of fire of 6th level or below.

PFS StandardNoxious Incense (Greater)Item 14

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 169 2.0
Price 750 gp
Hands 2;Bulk L
The incense can be used with a wall of fire of any spell level.