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Accessory Runes | Armor Property Runes | Fundamental Armor Runes | Fundamental Weapon Runes | Shield Rune | Weapon Property Runes

PFS StandardUnexceptionalItem 3

Legacy Content

Uncommon Illusion Magical 
Source Highhelm pg. 87
Price 60 gp
Usage applied to an item of light Bulk or less that is no larger than 5 feet by 5 feet by 5 feet; Bulk
Merchants traveling into Stonebreach sometimes apply this accessory rune to specific wares to avoid the notice of thieves. Conversely, many thieves in Highhelm apply these runes to stolen goods to help them smuggle items out of the city. The item gains the effects of magic aura to appear as non-magical. The rune's effects also cause anyone who closely observes or holds the item to believe it is a mundane version of that type of item, such as believing a magical dagger to be an ordinary dagger, unless the creature succeeds at a DC 18 Will save. Creatures that succeed their save see that there is more to the item than meets the eye, but aren't immediately aware of the magic aura effect.