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Chapter 8: Playing the Game / Hit Points, Healing, and Dying / Instant Death

Death Effects

Source Player Core pg. 412 2.0
Some spells and abilities can kill you immediately or bring you closer to death without needing to reduce you to 0 Hit Points first. These abilities have the death trait and usually involve energy from the Void, the antithesis of life, or other effects that target the mind or soul. If you're reduced to 0 Hit Points by a death effect, you're slain instantly without needing to reach dying 4. For instance, the vision of death spell automatically kills those it reduces to 0 Hit Points as terrifying hallucinations cause them to drop dead.

A death effect might state that it kills you outright, without dealing damage, in which case you die without having to first reach dying 4 or be reduced to 0 Hit Points. For instance, the Grim Reaper, an extremely powerful entity of death, can automatically slay creatures who fail their save against its death strike ability.