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BathysphereVehicle 5

Source GM Core pg. 216 2.0
Price 480 gp
Space 15 feet long, 15 feet wide, 15 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 4
Piloting Check Crafting (DC 22), Engineering Lore (DC 20), or Piloting Lore (DC 20)
AC 18; Fort +12
Hardness 10, HP 80 (BT 40); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Speed swim 20 feet (alchemical; underwater only)
Collision 2d10 (DC 20)
Cable The bathysphere is raised and lowered from a cable at the surface and can move only vertically.
Ballast Release [two-actions] The pilot releases the bathysphere's ballast. The bathysphere moves 3 times its Speed toward the surface at the end of the pilot's turn.
Tether Buoy Crew and passengers can breathe while the vehicle is underwater to a depth of 500 feet or less.