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Source Howl of the Wild pg. 132 2.1
The chimera heads presented below can replace one or more of the heads in the chimera stat block presented in Monster Core. To do so, use the Strike entry listed in the replacement head instead of the one in the original stat block; if you replace the dragon head, you must remove the creature's Dragon Breath ability. However, each of the new heads below grants new abilities.

Chimera Heads

Ankhrav Head

Ranged [one-action] acid spit +20 (range increment 30 feet), Damage 2d10+9 acid

Spray Acid [two-actions] (acid) The chimera spews acid in a 30-foot cone, dealing 9d6 acid damage to all creatures in the area (DC 26 basic Reflex save). The chimera can't use Spray Acid again for 1d4 rounds.

Hippogriff Head

Melee [one-action] hippogriff beak +22 (fatal d10), Damage 2d6+9 piercing

Rend [one-action] hippogriff beak

Rotting Animal Head

Ranged [one-action] virulent spit +18 (poison), Damage 3d8+4 poison plus chimeric rot

Chimeric Rot (disease) When the chimera hits a creature with virulent spit they must succeed a DC 26 Fortitude saving throw or become sickened 1.

Snake Head

Melee [one-action] snake fangs +20 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d8+7 piercing plus Grab

Constrict [one-action] 2d8 bludgeoning, DC 24

Snapping Turtle Head

Melee [one-action] snapping jaws +20, Damage 2d10+9 piercing

Deep Breath The chimera can hold its breath for 1 hour.

Wolf Head

Melee [one-action] wolf jaws +20, Damage 2d8+9 piercing plus Knockdown

Leader of the Pack The chimera's wolf jaws attacks deal 1d6 extra damage to prone creatures.

Greater Chimera Heads

A greater chimera can have any combination of three heads chosen from the options below, each granting additional abilities inherent in the original creature.

Adult Dragon Head

Melee [one-action] dragon jaws +27, Damage 4d6+8 piercing plus 4d6 energy damage (see Draconic Bite)

Draconic Bite A greater chimera's dragon head deals and extra 4d6 damage of a type matching the damage dealt by its Dragon Breath.

Dragon Breath [two-actions] The greater chimera deals 12d6 damage to all creatures in a 30-foot cone (DC 33 basic Reflex). This breath deals either acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, mental, sonic, or spirit, depending on the kind of dragon head the greater chimera possesses. The greater chimera can't use Dragon Breath again for 1d4 rounds.

Cave Worm Head

Melee [one-action] worm jaws +27 (reach 10 feet), Damage 3d10+8 piercing plus Grab

Swallow Whole [one-action] (attack) Large, 3d10+8 bludgeoning, Rupture 24; the target must be grabbed by the greater chimera's worm jaws

Emperor Cobra Head

Melee [one-action] emperor cobra fangs +27, Damage 3d8+12 piercing plus chimeric venom

Chimeric Venom (poison) When the greater chimera critically hits a creature with emperor cobra fangs, it deals an additional 6d6 persistent poison damage.

Phantasmal Beast Head

Melee [one-action] phantom slam +27 (agile, finesse, magical), Damage 3d8+8 void

Incorporeal Features The greater chimera gains resistance 5 to all damage (except force, spirit, and damage from Strikes with the ghost touch property rune).

Screeching Roc Head

Melee [one-action] beak +26 (deadly d10), Damage 3d10+8 piercing

Ear-splitting Screech [two-actions] (auditory, sonic) The screeching roc head emits a harsh cry that deals 9d6 sonic damage (DC 26 basic Fortitude save) in a 30-foot emanation. It can't use Ear-splitting Screech again for 1d4 rounds.

Powerful Wings The greater chimera's fly Speed increases by 10 feet.

Witchwarg Head

Melee [one-action] witchwarg jaws +25, Damage 2d12+8 piercing plus 1d12 cold and Knockdown

Freezing Breath [two-actions] (cold, primal) The greater chimera breathes a cloud of frost in a 15-foot cone that deals 9d10 cold damage (DC 33 basic Reflex save). The greater chimera can't use Freezing Breath again for 1d4 rounds.


Chimera (Creature 8), Greater Chimera (Creature 13)