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PFS LimitedAlmas ClerkBackground

Legacy Content

Source Pathfinder Society Year 4 Rule Updates
You worked as a clerk at the Golden Cathedral of Almas in Andoran. The Pathfinder Society's activities in the city, and its passionate defense of its mission, inspired you to join the organization. You help the Society pursue its goals and navigate the laws of Golarion's many locales.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost.

You're trained in the Society skill and the Legal Lore skill. You gain the Glean Contents skill feat.

Additionally, when you receive a mission briefing in the city of Almas, you know just how to find the information you need. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your checks to Gather Information or Recall Knowledge during the Getting Started segment of such adventures. Be sure to remind your GM that you have a relevant background.