Healing Flesh Feat 5Merfolk Source Howl of the Wild pg. 37 2.0
Some legends claim that the flesh of a merfolk, if consumed, can grant health, longevity, and even immortality. For obvious reasons, merfolk prefer to discourage these rumors (with violence, if necessary), but you're living proof that there's at least a fraction of truth to such claims. When
Administering First Aid,
Treating Disease, or
Treating Wounds, you can take 1 damage to give someone a drop of your blood. When you do so, you don't need
healer's tools, and you gain a +1 item bonus to your
Medicine check.
If someone were to eat your heart and liver within an hour of your death, they would be healed of all physical injuries (regaining Hit Points up to their maximum) and would cease to age for 8 years.
Merfolk: These aquatic humanoids have an upper body similar to a human and a lower body similar to a fish.