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PFS StandardTorag (The Forge Father)

Source Player Core pg. 38 2.0
The head of the dwarven pantheon is the most visible of the dwarven deities, to the extent that Torag is the only dwarven deity most non-dwarves know of. While the other dwarven gods represent specific areas of dwarven life and culture, thus forming an expansive and comprehensive dwarven pantheon, Torag’s areas of concern are those most central to dwarven society. In his own family, Torag models the values of community and protection that have cemented deep-rooted relationships among dwarven clans. His focus on strategy and tactical acumen centers on protection, reflected in dwarves’ impenetrable fortresses and conservative military tactics, including their willingness to use offensive maneuvers as a form of defense. He also represents the forge: the creation of fine works from raw materials, practice and mastery of a craft, and pride in one’s work. His purview extends even to those activities that feed the forge and dwarven artisanship, such as mining the earth for raw ore and gemstones. Torag’s oversight over these core concepts has secured his place at the head of the dwarven pantheon for ages. It was Torag who sent the dwarves on their legendary Quest for Sky during the Age of Darkness, and his worship was long-established even then. Indeed, among dwarves, Torag is often called the Father of Creation.

Category Gods of the Inner Sea
Edicts be honorable and forthright, keep your word, respect the forge, serve your people
Anathema tell lies or cheat someone, intentionally create inferior works, show continued mercy to the enemies of your people when such enemies prove they are undeserving
Areas of Concern forge, protection, and strategy
Pantheons Demon Bringers, Dwarven Pantheon, The Godclaw, The Laborer's Bastion

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability Constitution or Wisdom
Divine Font heal
Divine Sanctification can choose holy
Divine Skill Crafting
Favored Weapon warhammer
Domains creation, earth, family, protection
Alternate Domains duty
Cleric Spells 1st: mindlink, 3rd: earthbind, 4th: creation

Divine Intercession

Torag makes his pleasure or displeasure known through unsubtle signs.
Source Gods & Magic pg. 47 2.0

Minor Boon: Torag repairs your equipment so you may continue your vigil. Once, a shield, weapon, or other item you hold or are wearing recovers all of its Hit Points. The item’s Hardness doubles for 1 minute. Torag can grant this boon just as the item would have been destroyed, preventing the item’s destruction. Occasionally, he grants this boon to restore an item important to dwarven history that has already been fully destroyed.
Moderate Boon: You are counted as family among Torag and his followers. You gain the effects of a single dwarf ancestry feat of Torag’s choice, even if you are not a dwarf, as long as you maintain Torag’s blessing.
Major Boon: Standing watch or guarding a location counts as resting for you, preventing you from being fatigued due to lack of rest as long as you stand watch for at least 6 hours a day. You can recover your Focus Points (if you have them) by standing guard in addition to any other options you have available. When on guard, you gain a +4 status bonus to Perception to notice ambushes and other dangers approaching. As long as you are holding a shield, you are always Defending during exploration without needing to move at half your travel speed, and you can perform another exploration activity as well. While you are using a shield, its Hardness increases by 5.

Minor Curse: Shoddy artisanship makes itself known. Whenever an item you’re using takes damage, it is broken.
Moderate Curse: You must prove your skills at a craft by providing your own equipment. You gain item bonuses only from items you make yourself.
Major Curse: You are forever cast out from your home. Members of your community have their attitudes towards you shift two steps worse, meaning those who used to be helpful are now indifferent, those who were friendly are now unfriendly, and all others are now hostile. This doesn’t necessarily result in violence, but hostile community members generally seek your permanent exile.