General Skills
Acrobatics | Arcana | Athletics | Crafting | Deception | Diplomacy | Intimidation | Lore | Medicine | Nature | Occultism | Performance | Religion | Society | Stealth | Survival | Thievery

There is a Legacy version here.

Society (Int)

Source Player Core pg. 244 2.0
You understand the people and systems that make civilization run, and you know the historical events that make societies what they are today. Further, you can use that knowledge to navigate the complex physical, societal, and economic workings of settlements.
  • Recall Knowledge about local history, important personalities, legal institutions, societal structure, and humanoid cultures. The GM might allow Society to apply to other creatures that are major elements of society in your region, such as the draconic nobility in a kingdom of humans ruled by dragons.
  • Subsist in a settlement by finding shelter, scrounging, or begging for food.

Society Trained Actions

  • Decipher Writing that's a coded message, text written in an incomplete or archaic form, or in some cases, text in a language you don't know.
Item Bonsues for Common items
SocietyChoker of Elocution+16Other Worn ItemsNo
SocietyChoker of Elocution (Greater)+210Other Worn ItemsNo
SocietyPossibility Tome+318Held ItemsNochecks to Recall Knowledge
Item Bonsues for Uncommon/Rare/Unique items
SocietyVengeful Arm+14TattoosNo
SocietyMajordomo Torc+16Intelligent ItemsNo
SocietySelf-Emptying Pocket+29Bargained ContractsNoSee text
SocietyArachnolute+211Held ItemsNoPerformance checks while playing music with the instrument
SocietyCauthooj Bagpipes+213Held ItemsNoPerformance checks while playing music with the instrument
SocietyThe Empty Throne+220The Deck of DestinyNoLore checks to Recall Knoweldge about someone no longer alive (+3 at 17th level)
SocietySash of Books+317Other Worn ItemsNo

Related Feats

To see a list of Feats related to Society, click here.

Society Trained Actions

Create Forgery

Downtime Secret 
Source Player Core pg. 244 2.0
Requirements You provide the proper writing materials for your forgery.
You create a forged document, usually over the course of a day or a week. The GM rolls a secret DC 20 Society check. If you need to forge a specific person's handwriting, you need a sample of that person's handwriting. Otherwise, you need only to have seen a similar document, and you gain up to a +4 circumstance bonus to the check (the GM determines the bonus).

Success The forgery is of good enough quality that passive observers can't notice the fake (but see Examining Forgeries).
Failure The forgery has some obvious signs of being a fake, potentially allowing passive observers to detect it. Each time a passive observer sees the document, the GM compares your check result to the observer's Perception DC or Society DC, whichever is higher. If your result doesn't exceed a passive observer's DC, that observer knows the document is a forgery.

Examining Forgeries

A creature on the lookout for forgeries, even one who was fooled on a passive glance, can take time to closely examine a document to see if it's a forgery. They apply different techniques and analysis methods to look beyond the surface elements and attempt a secret Perception or Society check against the forger's Society DC; any bonus you had to create the forgery initially applies to this DC. On a success, the examiner knows the document is a forgery. On a failure, they think the document is genuine and can't try again unless they get a new reason to be suspicious of the document. If a PC examines a genuine document, the GM might still pretend to roll a secret check before revealing the document is genuine.